Wednesday May 29 2024

From K7CAE

Your node was disconnected from the Win System for having additional nodes connected to your node.

Please disconnect from all nodes before connecting to the WIN System.

K7CAE Chief of Police for two agencies in Arizona.

Active in Law Enforcement Communications for over 45 years.

Retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Military Police.

# 212 lines follow!

WIN System Official Guidelines

Here are our WIN System Guidelines, or Rules.

There are basically four rules here on the WIN System:

#1. Please follow the Golden Rule meaning that you should treat others as you

would like to be treated.

#2. Please do not talk about politics or religion on the WIN System.

Our experience has been that whenever these subjects, or any other controversial

subject, is brought up on the air, it always polarizes whoever is listening.

By polarizing I mean that whatever the controversy is, there will always be

those on your side, and those on the opposing side or sides. That leads to

differences of opinion or position on the matter, and that leads to polarizing,

or folks taking sides on the issue(s). And that always leads to someone being

unhappy, and leaving. There have been many, many repeater systems destroyed

because folks left over talking about something controversial on the repeater.

So, the best way to avoid fragmenting the System is to simply not bring it up

on the air in the first place. Save those topics of conversation for when you

are in person, face to face, and not on the air.

#3. Please dons it, for the rules anyway.

You might asks probably best for us

to be clear about the rules we really think are important.

We understand that everyone slips once in a while, no matter how hard they try.

But, we expect all users important that you convey to the public, and to new hams, the image that

Amateur Radio Operators are courteous, patient, and really know what theys not enough to pause now and then and invite others to join in.

Others just may not be interested in the topic. Be polite, and don repeater hog.t get in.

Since these calls are unpredictable and random, you never know when they are

coming in, so plenty of free time needs to be reserved to allow this function

to work.

Since these calls can be from friends, acquaintances, members on vacation, and

future friends, these calls are to be given a priority.

Thinkof them as company, and extend a strong welcome to them.

Do not engage in political soap boxing.

Soap boxing, which goes hand-in-hand with overly long conversations, is when

people carry on a conversation on the WIN System that is a thinly disguised

The subject is generally to an institution, group,

or an individual for as wide as possible an audience. Of course it can be to

gain support for a cause, person, or group as well.

Both can be very objectionable to other WIN System users and listeners.

Using the WIN System as a platform for soap boxing is unacceptable.

Conversations on the WIN System should be friendly ones.

Do not make them negative commentaries on institutions, groups, or people.

Avoid discussions on inappropriate subjects including politics, sex and religion!

Don put people down. 97.113(5)(b).

Are we talking about censorship? No, not exactly.

A person may have the right to stand on the street and say bad things about someone.

They dons house.

When using the WIN System, you are a guest operator of its radio stations.

No one has any right to use the repeaters in ways that the WIN System management

feels are objectionable.

CB Lingo and excessive phonetics.

Amateur Radio operators find the sound of CB lingo worse than fingernails

on a blackboard. The main thing to remember is to just talk normally.

Talk just like you would to someone in person, face to face.

There 10-4 Good Buddy the first personal ist use phonetics for every letter you need to say.

For example:

You are talking on an FM repeater, not a noisy station in Europe on 20 Meters.

Just talk normal.

Yield the frequency to a breaking station

When attempting to break into a conversation on the repeater, please follow

this procedure. If you have an Emergency, interrupt the conversation by saying

BREAK comment in a conversation, when a calling or breaking station

interrupts, yield quickly since you never know if they have an emergency or not.

Our repeaters are 24 hours a day.

You never know who may be listening. Even late at night, there are generally

people listening to the WIN System, including non-hams.

This is important to understand for several reasons.

Our repeaters serve many purposes.

One of the most important is the exposure it gives the hobby to the community.

Any scanner can be used to listen to our repeaters.

That Its one of our most effective forms of publicity.

We want non-hams to know that Amateur Radio is an interesting hobby and

a good group of people to get to know

something they would want their kids to get involved in.

Kids may or may not listen late at night, but their parents do.

Think about CB. The government tolerates the language on CB partly

because they only use a few kilohertz of spectrum. Itt let our activities on the air become a weapon in the hands of people who

want to discredit us.

Lets rules can be told to stop

using the repeaters. This is entirely at the judgment of the repeater trustees.

Rule 97.205(e) says, Limiting the use of a repeater to only certain user

stations is permissible. ifs, ands, or buts t just the right to close a repeater.

Please operate in a professional manner and obey the rules.

Selling items OTHER than ham related equipment

Obviously selling any ham equipment is allowed as long as it stat reporting 9109.

Use of Reflector sub-channels is encouraged.

You do not need specific permission to use any of the general use channels.

If you would like to discuss the use of a 9100 reflector channel on an

on-going basis, contact Steven Taylor, K6UFX.